POPL 2024
Sun 14 - Sat 20 January 2024 London, United Kingdom

By default, we will assume presenters will be in-person. If you need to present remotely, see instructions below.

For all presenters:

  • Your conference registration is mandatory. Remote presenters can make use of the virtual registration option.

  • We strongly recommend the use of a 16:9 aspect ratio for your slides.

  • You should pace your talk carefully; time is of the essence and the program schedule will be strictly enforced.

  • You can find the length of your talk in the program.

  • Subtract at least 5 minutes from the allotted time to account for questions and set-up.

  • Talk slots for the main POPL program are 20 minutes, so presenters should aim to give a 15 minute talk.

  • Talk slot lengths for workshops can be found on the respective workshop information pages.

  • Your talk will be recorded and live streamed to YouTube by default.

    • If you do not want your talk to be either recorded or streamed, please fill out this form.

In-Person Presenters

If you are presenting in-person, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • You should bring your own device to present your slides. Please ensure your slides are available offline / accessible from a different device in case of any technical issues.

  • Your presentation device should support HDMI input. If it does not, you are responsible for bringing the appropriate adapter.

  • Ensure your device is working and your slides are accessible during the break before your session starts, to avoid last minute difficulties.

  • Arrive at your session at least 10 minutes before it starts. Take time to familiarize yoursef with the room setup, make your presence known to the session chair, test out slides and audio, and address all issues with the student volunteer in the room.

Remote Presenters

If you plan to present remotely, please obtain approval from the organizers of your event, and inform the Video Chairs as early as possible. Please email conrad.watt@ntu.edu.sg and sigplan-av+popl24@googlegroups.com with the subject line [POPL 2024: Remote Talk] and include the talk name and event in the contents once you’ve cleared remote presentation with your event organizers.

Remote presenters will interact with session chairs and in-person participants over Discord call. This interaction includes both the talk and the live Q&A.

While we also support playing pre-recorded talks, we strongly encourage remote presenters to deliver their talk live over Discord, so that the talk and Q&A take place over the same medium.

If your talk is remote, it must have the Remote or Recorded badge in the program. Otherwise, please notify your event organizers to add it for you.

Live Remote Talks

Your live remote talk will be given over a Discord call, followed by a Q&A mediated by the session chair. You must join the POPL 2024 Discord server (https://discord.gg/popl-2024), creating an account if necessary.

The setup and format is similar to giving a talk over any other video conference application, e.g., Zoom, Skype: you will share your slides by sharing your screen over Discord, and present your work by speaking into a microphone. Each event (and parallel instances of an event) will have a special discord voice channel known as a stage, and the channels will be named <event-name>-<physical-room-name>-stage. You can find the names of the physical rooms on the program.

Here are some things to expect and keep in mind:

  • You should make sure to join the Discord call and be ready to present 10 minutes before the start of your session (not just before the start of your talk!).

  • Once you have joined a Discord call, your camera and shared screen will be projected on the in-room screen, and your microphone audio will be amplified by the in-room speakers. You should be able to hear the session chair and participants’ questions via the in-room mics, though you may not be able to see the room if there is no camera available.

  • We strongly encourage remote presenters to use a headset, to avoid unwanted sound feedback. You can also improve your sound quality by using an external microphone rather than the one built into your laptop; even the microphone on your webcam or earphones will be an improvement.

  • Please attend a test session for virtual talks. The virtualization chair will host a number of test sessions where you can make sure everything goes smoothly with Discord. If you cannot make the scheduled sessions, please coordinate with the virtualization chair at conrad.watt@ntu.edu.sg. This is especially important if you have not used Discord before, because Discord may require additional permissions from your operating system to share your screen.

  • If you need to share your laptop audio (e.g., to play a sound recording), please get in touch with the Video Chairs and test this ahead of time. Doing so over Discord is only available on macOS and Windows, and may require additional setup.

Current test sessions

  • January 8th at 9am PST / 5pm UTC / 1am (next day) SGT

  • January 9th at 1am PST / 9am UTC / 5pm SGT

  • January 11th at 5pm PST / 1am (next day) UTC / 9am (next day) SGT

  • January 15th at 1.30pm UK time (last minute!)

  • January 16th at 1.30pm UK time (last minute!)

  • January 18th at 1pm UK time (last minute!)

  • January 19th at 1pm UK time (last minute!)

To attend one of these sessions, please join the POPL 2024 Discord (https://discord.gg/popl-2024) and select the “Presenter” option when prompted. Then, indicate your interest in the relevant test session channel.

Pre-Recorded Remote Talks

Some presenters may opt to submit a pre-recorded talk to avoid technical difficulties (e.g., unreliable internet connection, poor video call quality) or overcome timezone differences.

Note that you will still be expected to participate in live Q&A over Discord after we play your pre-recorded talk, unless you have made other arrangements with your event organizers.

Here are some instructions for creating and submitting your pre-recorded talk:

  • Prepare your pre-recorded talk as a video recording.

    • There are various tools available to record your talk. The easiest way is to use Zoom: share your screen, unmute your microphone, and record your “meeting”. You can use tools like iMovie or ActivePresenter to edit your recording.

    • Make sure your video does not exceed your time limit. Your time limit is the duration of your time slot (as it appears in the program) shortened by at least 5 minutes, to allow for Q&A and switching to the next speaker.

    • Please submit an mp4 formatted video.

    • Your video file should be named according to the following schema: <EVENT_ACRONYM>-<SPEAKER_LASTNAME>-<TITLE_NO_SPACES>.mp4, e.g., PLMW-Gardner-WasmWowzie.mp4.

  • Upload your recorded talk to a cloud file-sharing service such as Google Drive. Do not share your video using YouTube or Vimeo.

  • Email the Video Chairs at sigplan-av+popl24@googlegroups.com and your event organizer with:

    1. a link to download your recorded talk;
    2. explicit consent allowing the video to be played at the conference; and
    3. (optionally) explicit consent allowing the video to be publicly streamed and uploaded to the SIGPLAN YouTube channel and releasing your rights of the video to ACM.

Please submit your video recording at least 3 days before the conference to avoid last-minute issues. You should receive an email from the Video Chairs to acknowledge receipt of your recording.