POPL 2024
Sun 14 - Sat 20 January 2024 London, United Kingdom
Jan de Muijnck-Hughes

Registered user since Thu 7 Mar 2019

Name:Jan de Muijnck-Hughes

I am a Lecturer of CyberSecurity at the University of Strathclyde as part of Computer & Information Sciences , where I am principally a member of StrathCyber group and a bridge with the MSP Group. I am also part of the wider Scottish Programming Languages Institute that offers a framework to better the interaction of programming language researchers across Scotland, and SICSA, The Scottish Informatics & Computer Science Alliance.

Generally speaking my research interests involve making Systems Engineering more TyDe: Type-Driven.

I want to combine state-of-the-art programming language theory, namely from type-systems, dependent types & functional programming, and fundamentally change the way we engineer systems by interlinking our System’s specifications and implementations. I believe that if we are to ever build trustworthy systems, we must make machine checkable specifications an intrinsic aspect of the system through adoption of type-driven approaches.

There are more topics (privacy and cryptography) that I am interested in, but the above keeps me busy for now!

Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:University of Strathclyde
Personal website: https://tyde.systems
Research interests:Dependent Types, Programming Languages, Program Verification, Trustworthy Systems,


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