POPL 2024
Sun 14 - Sat 20 January 2024 London, United Kingdom
Mon 15 Jan 2024 11:30 - 12:00 at Lovelace Room - Knowledge Representation and Learning Chair(s): Jessica Zangari

Recent years witnessed a rising interest towards Datalog-based ontological reasoning systems, both in academia and industry. These systems adopt languages, often shared under the collective name of Datalog$^\pm$, that extend Datalog with the essential feature of existential quantification, while introducing syntactic limitations to sustain reasoning decidability and achieve a good trade-off between expressive power and computational complexity. From an implementation perspective, modern reasoners borrow the vast experience of the database community in developing streaming-based data processing systems, such as volcano-iterator architectures, that sustain a limited memory footprint and good scalability. In this paper, we focus on two extremely promising, expressive, and tractable languages, namely, Shy and Warded Datalog$^\pm$. We leverage their theoretical underpinnings to introduce novel reasoning techniques, technically, ``chase variants'', that are particularly fit for efficient reasoning in streaming-based architectures. We then implement them in Vadalog, our reference streaming-based engine, to efficiently solve ontological reasoning tasks over real-world settings.

Mon 15 Jan

Displayed time zone: London change

11:00 - 12:30
Knowledge Representation and LearningPADL at Lovelace Room
Chair(s): Jessica Zangari Università della Calabria
Explanation and Knowledge Acquisition in Ad Hoc Teamwork
Hasra Dodampegama University of Birmingham, Mohan Sridharan University of Birmingham
Ontological Reasoning over Shy and Warded Datalog+/- for Streaming-based Architectures
Teodoro Baldazzi Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Luigi Bellomarini Banca d'Italia, Marco Favorito Banca d'Italia, Emanuel Sallinger TU Wien & University of Oxford
FOLD-SE: An Efficient Rule-based Machine Learning Algorithm with Scalable Explainability
Huaduo Wang THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS, Gopal Gupta University of Texas at Dallas